what is that movie called where chris rock dies and he goes into the body of an old white person?

Chris Rock
jacob c asked:

what is that movie called where chris rock dies and he goes into the body of an old white person until he can find another body.

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8 thoughts on “what is that movie called where chris rock dies and he goes into the body of an old white person?

  1. It’s called “Down To Earth”. It’s a remake of a remake. Warren Beatty did it in the late 70’s/early 80’s and it was called “Heaven Can Wait”. I don’t know who was in the original or what year it was, but I think it was black and white. I’m sure some wiser YA patron can tell ya who was.

  2. “Down to Earth”; thanks, Bria. I really was gonna say “Heart Condition” but that had Bob Hoskins & Denzel Washington.

  3. your on the internet and asking people questions about a movie, when you have the main character of the film??? Your internet and PC isn’t a toy. Its for education purposes to. Google it. Type in Chris rock, and go to the imdb and look at all his movies, and look through his movie titles. Please people use the pc for more then a toy.

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